Duong Global also helps business entrepreneurs form companies in the United States. Whether you are a US citizen or foreign national, our US business lawyers can incorporate your U.S. company is 7 business days!
Find out how we can assist you and set up your USA company !

What are the benefits of forming an US company

  • Business entrepreneurs can sign contracts with U.S. businesses because US companies always prioritize doing business with domestic enterprises over international ones.
  • Investors can recruit foreigners, hire employees and native trading experts to work for the company.
  • US incorporated companies have the ability and right to enforce contracts and take legal action in case of violation.

How can you set up US company with Duong Global?

Our U. S. business lawyers will form a US business entity for you, get the Employer Identification Number and open up a U. S. bank account. Fill out our U.S. business entity formation intake form to start your U. S. business application!

Where can I rent premises/offices/headquarters and how much are they?

Anywhere in the United States. If you are looking for a physical space, we will introduce you to our dedicated strategic partners who will assist you find the right space for you.

If the company does not have a legal representative, who will be the person responsible for the legal matter to receive notices from the court (if any)?

Duong Global as a trading expert can help you with business and legal matters. At Duong Global, we are a reputable legal business consulting firm with experienced U. S. business lawyers, providing trading and legal services for US companies. Alternatively, you can hire a legal representative to work for your company if that is someone you can trust, but he/she must has an U. S. social security number.

Want to know what U. S. Business Entity is right for you?

Get a certified U. S. business lawyer advice

A Duong Global U.S. business lawyer will answer all the questions you have and recommend the best U. S. business entity that suits you needs.

Can foreigners form companies in US and own shares?

Yes, foreign nationals have the right to form and own 100% of the companies in most industries, except some restricted fields such as military. Foreign nationals can also be members and/or shareholders in companies in the United States.

Do I need to declare the industry of practice when forming a company?


Is there any type of company that a foreigner national can’t form?

In the US, the S-corp entities can only be formed by a green card holder or any US citizenship, with the exception of funds.

When do U. S. companies need to file business taxes?

For limited liability companies need to file business taxes by April 15 on the previous fiscal year. C-corps and S-corps need to file by March 15 on the previous fiscal year.

Ready to open a company in the U. S.?

Our lead U.S. business attorney will answer all your questions and available for a free consultation.